The American's Creed

Reflects the ideals and principles upon which America was founded

I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people, whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a Perfect Union, one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.

I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its laws; to respect its Flag; and to defend it against all enemies.

William Tyler Page
Congressional Record, April 13, 1918

The C.A.R. Creed
 Reflects the ideals of the members

I believe in the Children of the American Revolution as an organization for the training of young people in true patriotism and love of country, in order that they shall be better fitted for American citizenship.

As a descendant of the Founders of my Country, I believe that my birthright brings a responsibility to carry on their work, and that as the boys and girls of 1776 took an active part in the War for Independence, so the boys and girls of today have a definite work to do for their Country.

As a member of the Children of the American Revolution, I believe it is my duty to use my influence to create a deeper love of country, a loyal respect for its Constitution and reverence for its Flag among the young people with whom I come in contact.

Ethel Vance Mosher
Adopted October 11, 1923

The C.A.R. Song
 Reflects ideals for which American patriots lived, fought and died 

We're members of the C.A.R.
A great and mighty band
We pledge our might for the cause of right
For home and native land.

Chorus:  We love thee, Old Glory,
And we ever strive to be
Most worthy descendants
Of worthy ancestry;
We love thee, Old Glory,
And our hearts are staunch and true,
We love each stripe and ev'ry star
Of our flag, red, white, and blue.

Those great and noble patriots,
Offered up their blood,
To save a new born nation,
From a cruel tyrant's rod.


The blue calls out to us, "Be true,"
The white calls out, "Be pure,"
The red, "Be brave, their blood they gave,
That this land might endure."


Copyright © 1928 Martha Parkinson Mills

Learn the C.A.R. Song!  Click here to listen! 

"The Star-Spangled Banner"

Mission Statement

Reflects the purpose of the C.A.R.

The National Society of the Children of the American Revolution trains good citizens, develops leaders and promotes love of the United States of America and its heritage among young people. 

Adopted October 18, 1999


For God and My Country

The Object of C.A.R.

The Object of this Society shall be:

  • To acquire knowledge of American History
  • To preserve and restore places of Historical importance associated with men and women who forwarded American Independence.
  • To ascertain the deeds and honor the memories of the men, women and children who rendered service to the cause of the American Revolution.
  • To promote the celebration of patriotic anniversaries.
  • To honor and cherish the Flag of the United States of America above every other flag.
  • To love, uphold and extend the principles of American liberty and patriotism. 

Adopted April 11, 1895